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Jelölje az egyetlen helyes megoldást a szöveg alapján.



Infectious conjunctivitis is always caused by a combination of microorganisms.

Infectious conjunctivitis causes viral or bacterial infection of the conjunctiva.

Infectious conjunctivitis may be caused by bacterial or viral infection.

Infectious conjunctivitis is less likely to be caused by viral infection.




Long-term corticosteroid treatment of the eye results from fungal infections.

Long-term corticosteroid treatment of the eye commonly causes eye injuries.

Newborns’ eyes often become infected with pathogens during normal delivery.

Newborns commonly develop fungal infections of the eye following normal delivery.




Damage to the conjunctiva may result in severe infections.

Abnormalities in the tear film may be due to severe conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis may be due to severe corneal infections.

Severe infections of the cornea may also affect the conjunctiva.


Keresse ki a szövegből az alábbi kifejezések egy szavas angol megfelelőjét.

widened, expanded, distended                                         


become indistinct, unclear, difficult to see                        


denser or more viscous in consistency                             


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Egészítse ki az alábbi összefoglaló szöveget egyetlen odaillő angol szóval.

The pathogenic organism of infectious conjunctivitis may be from infected secretion samples. Infectious conjunctivitis usually on its own, but cases originating from bacterial infection may require medical treatment. If necessary, people should the accumulated discharge by careful washing. Antibiotic eye drops help to get rid of most types of bacteria, but ointments tend to have a more lasting .

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