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2. feladatlap

Jelölje az egyetlen helyes megoldást a szöveg alapján.


Decreased energy levels in patients with mental illness cause them to


adopt poor dietary habits.

become heavy smokers.

become morbidly overweight.

develop alcohol abuse.



The prevalence of stroke in depression is


similar to the prevalence of myocardial infarction.

3 to 5 times as high as that in healthy individuals.

higher than the prevalence of myocardial infarction.

lower than the prevalence of myocardial infarction.



Learning disabilities are associated with an elevated risk of further complications 


in the presence of disorders of the brain.

if the patient has a family history of epilepsy and dementia.

if the patient suffers as a result of drug interactions.

only if other concomitant mental illnesses are present.


Keresse ki a szövegből az alábbi meghatározások egy szavas angol megfelelőjét.

delay the progress of something -

difficulties that must be solved before achieving something -

based on wrong information -

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Egészítse ki az alábbi összefoglaló szöveget egyetlen odaillő angol szóval.

Physical health problems in people with mental illnesses are often ignored as a result of inadequate coordination of psychiatric and medical care. There is no common agreement on who is for addressing the physical problems. Furthermore, services are not and resources are also insufficient. In the UK there have been attempts to increase the scope of care, but it does not seem to solve the problem of managing physical symptoms due to a lack of adequate knowledge.

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